I woke up this morning believing I had the day to myself but fate had other plans for me. I had to go visit the client again for a few different reasons which may have included the powers that be not giving me what I asked for yesterday. Fortunately I was out of there pretty quick and I still had time to visit the St. Louis Zoo before I headed here to Springfield despite a bit of rain here and there.

I zipped through pretty quick because I knew the zoo closed at 4 and that I had a 3 hour drive ahead of me. In fact I spent just over an hour there altogether. I managed to see pretty much everything I wanted to and I got plenty of pictures. You'll notice that I even got a picture of a squirrel that happened to be in the middle of the path having a snack that's about the same size as he is.

This hamadryas baboon seemed kind of sad. In fact all of the baboons seemed a little down. I would have jumped in there and played with them to cheer them up, but I've been warned about doing that again.

They actually have both african and asian elephants which you don't often see.

They had a few different types of bear there. These two guys were probably my favorite animals of the whole day. Look at them. What's not to love?

This kangaroo was staring me down big time. I didn't notice that evil glow in his eyes until I saw the picture. I'm glad I didn't stick around there too long. If you hear about anyone going missing after a day at this zoo make sure you tell someone to investigate this kangaroo. Who knows what he's managed to get away with over the years.

This rhino sure looks tough, but he was actually slipping in the mud. Alright, I guess that doesn't mean much, since I tend to slip in mud too. It's just nice to know that animals aren't perfect either.

I was surprised that this sifaka sat still long enough for me to get this shot.

These penguins on the other hand were just standing there. It was kind of cold in that exhibit. Maybe no one ever told them that you stay warm if you keep moving. Maybe they were looking up at a clock because they were waiting for the next swimming session to start. "Swim session A is now over. All penguins with blue bands around their ankles must now exit the water."
The last animal I saw today was a chicken, but it wasn't at the zoo. In fact it was made out of rubber and was hanging off of a truck.
I'm not crazy about the way I formatted this post but I'm leaving it as is for now. I'll see if I can fix it up tomorrow.
Very cool pictures. I haven't been to a zoo in years. Loved the penguins!
Joey, thanks for stopping by. I have a video of the other penguins swimming around too. I might post that too.
Awesome pictures! Nice selection of animals and especially love the chicken.
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