I arrived at my hotel here in Kansas City to the welcome view of a taco bell right next door. I am also right across the street from the Kansas City Chiefs stadium. Interestingly enough the New England Patriots are playing there Monday night. I'm not really a football fan, so I'm not going to go watch it, even if the home team is playing.

Yesterday was a beautiful day for the zoo. Unfortunately the Africa section of the zoo is closed for the winter. I knew that before I got there, but I didn't realize that half of the exhibits are in that section. I would have really liked to see the chimpanzees again but I still had a great day.

This elephant not only likes to paint, she likes it so much that she won't let the other elephants at the brushes. You can buy them at the gift shop starting at $25. I considered getting one but passed. If you want to see some elephants mess with some lions see the Imax movie Roar: Lions of the Kalahari. In fact go see it anyway if you get the chance. It was very good.
I don't think this dingo moved all day long. I went by his place twice a couple hours apart and he was in the exact same spot both times.
This maned wolf was napping the first time I went by as well. When I came back he was nice enough to get up and roam around.

I love the red pandas. I could hang out with them all day. It doesn't hurt that they're right next to the maned wolf, so I get to visit both at the same time. I do have a video of one of these guys that I might post later on.

Equally adorable is the tree kangaroo.

Seals are always fun to watch. While I was watching them a guy was idly playing around with a lock on a gate. Apparently these guys thought the sound meant they were about to get food, so they all came over and looked at us waiting for fish. While I thought it was kind of fun that we found this out, I didn't like the fact that the guy kept playing with the lock to get the seals to come over. Teasing just isn't nice.

I wasn't at the zoo long before I heard a rustling in some bushes and looked down to find this peacock. It turns out that there's more than one of them wandering around the place. Some little kids like to chase them. Others try to get their attention by yelling, "Peacock! Peacock!"

As it turns out the peacocks aren't the only animals that aren't strictly confined. The kangaroos don't get to wander the whole zoo, but they do wander onto the path that the people walk on.

You might wonder where kangaroos might want to go. Well some kangaroos apparently like to go visit their cousins the wallabies.

I can't wait to visit the zoo back home again. That's all I've got for right now. If you want to see more pictures from this zoo check out the
Kansas City Zoo Photo Club's site.
uh oh.. i see foo foo the roo has gotten the word out.
Pam, you're welcome.
Baby-D, I think foo foo the roo told you, and you told those roos who to pursue.
SingleBabe, thank you. I really appreciate that.
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