Saturday, November 27, 2004


After missing the first two appearances Mitch Hedberg made in RI this year I managed to catch my favorite comedian's show tonight. I am so glad I did because the show was awesome. There were plenty of jokes I had never heard, and plenty that I was saying right along with him. There was one joke where he stopped because he said he couldn't remember the rest of it, so my brother and I finished it off. We're pretty sure he would have said something about that if we were in the front. He's touring with Stephen Lynch who also put on a great show. Bottom line, if they're coming to your town and you don't have anything planned, go see them.

I actually had a choice to make when I found out that Mitch had added Providence to the tour schedule. Tonight was also my 10 year high school reunion. It wasn't a difficult choice since Mitch was cheaper and I enjoy him more than any high school classmates. I'm sure no one missed me.


joey said...

Mitch is incredibly funny, but I ADORE Stephen Lynch. He has the same sick humor that I do! :)

cedia said...

What fun! Never been to comedian show. I'll keep those two names in mind.

babydufus said...

dang.. i forgot all about that.. i was considering going too..

Jay said...

Joey, I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed Stephen Lynch. Total irreverence.

Cedia, comedy shows are great... as long as the comic is someone you find funny. I've seen a few comics that did nothing for me and that's never fun.

Baby-D, I forgot about it myself until I saw it on my calendar that day.