Monday, November 15, 2004

I know better...

Friday night as I was driving home I told myself that I was going to pack on Saturday. I knew that I didn't have anything planned for the day and for once I wanted to not stay up late to make sure my laundry was done or have to pack in a hurry. I wanted to have everything ready so I wouldn't have to worry about a thing.

My flight was at 4:55pm, which means I should be at the airport between 3 and 3:30. Since I hadn't done any laundry on Saturday I threw some in when I got home from church on Sunday. I'm kicking around the house waiting for the laundry to dry when I realize, "Hey it's already 3:10. I haven't packed anything yet."

I stuff all of my gadgets into my computer bag and start tossing clothes into my suitcase. It won't be my proudest moment if security decides they need to open my bag up, but at least everything I need is in there. It's just hitting 4 when I get to the airport to find one of the longest lines for security I've ever seen.

That line was only getting longer as I had to stand in the line to check in and then the line to get my bag screened. I find myself near the end of the big line around 4:20. At this point I really have no idea how things are going to turn out and I think about starting to kick myself. It may have been the possible danger to the people around me that stopped this or it may have been that I just accepted that I'd have plenty of time for self-flagellation if I didn't make the plane. There was just no reason to get all bent out of shape for a "what might come".

I get through security, put my shoes back on and hustle towards the gate. That's when the announcement comes over the PA. "This is the final boarding call..." I start running...

to be continued


1 comment:

cedia said...

oh no!!!!

okay, to part 2.