At my church we have two worship teams that play the Sunday morning music. I'm on one of them. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a great christian example that should be up in front of people every other week leading them in worship. Recently I've considered not doing it anymore because the only reason I was doing it was because I had made a commitment to, not out of any sense of worship. It just happens that our music leader just left and at the going away party for him there was a discussion about the state of the youth group at the church. One of the girls that's in the youth is definitely frustrated and would like to see things changed. I've worked with the youth in the past, and invariably the question came up of whether I was going to start working with them again. Once again I'm not a very good example to follow.
So why don't I just start being what I would consider a good example? Ok, let's look at what I would need to do to have that happen. I'd need to strive to improve my relationship with God. In fact that's all I would need to do. The problem is that I don't want to work on my relationship with God. Relationships with God cause changes in people and I'm being selfish and don't want to change. Or do I? Obviously I think something should change since I don't think I'm the right person to do two different jobs that I'm being asked to do. Perhaps I do want to change.
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