Tuesday, November 30, 2004

joy of rss

i've spent the evening discovering what a wonderful thing rss is. unfortunately the shift key on this laptop has decided to not work, so i'm stuck with no capital letters. i've set up both my yahoo and bloglines.com. i think i'll end up sticking with my yahoo to read everything, but i've got my blogroll and notification set up through bloglines, so i'll just see what happens. if you're using rss please let me know what your using to get your feeds.


cedia said...

What is it? I never had the time to research. Was it the XML?

Jay said...

Yes, it does use that xml thing in the blogger settings. It's basically a way to bring everyone's blog to one place and be automatically notified when they are updated. I'm gonna try to write a post on how to set it up and use it.

cedia said...

oh... so if I blogrolled you and next time you updated a post, it'll ring me up and tell me you've got something new?

Jay said...

even better, someone comes and knocks on your door to hand you a printout of the update.