Yahoo! News - Men Arrested for Dumping Dirt in a Forest
Deputy Robert Gomez said the U.S. Forest Service confirmed that it was illegal to dump anything, including dirt, on the federal land.
I suppose this means we're not allowed to take a dump on federal land either. So remember folks, you can't just throw your dirt anywhere. In fact you should probably keep it inside if possible.
Welcome to the lair of that psycho scarlet sorcerer known as Crazyredwizard. He just hangs around here working on spells and incantations, trying to mesmerize anyone that passes by.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
joy of rss
i've spent the evening discovering what a wonderful thing rss is. unfortunately the shift key on this laptop has decided to not work, so i'm stuck with no capital letters. i've set up both my yahoo and i think i'll end up sticking with my yahoo to read everything, but i've got my blogroll and notification set up through bloglines, so i'll just see what happens. if you're using rss please let me know what your using to get your feeds.
Monday, November 29, 2004
a picture

I just noticed that I hadn't put any pictures up with my last few posts so I figured I'd throw one up. I've really enjoyed the last few pics that Bryan has posted and this is as close to the same style that I have.
That was all I was going to say, but then I noticed something while I was putting in the tag for the picture to show up. I am such a perfectionist about some things. I never just put in the address of the picture in my img tag. I also specify the height , width, alt text and title text. I laugh at my dad for being so anal, but I can be just as bad. Of course this isn't the first time I've noticed this. In fact I've had some laughs with him about the whole thing, but it's always amazing when I realize how much alike we are.
Brushes with Fame
Yesterday my brother was watching Awesomely Badder Fashion on VH1. I'm standing there watching it for a minute and two girls come on to comment on something. My brain goes a little something like this. "Hey these girls are pretty cute. Hmmm, that name seems familiar. Wait that can't be... It is, I read her blog." I say to my brother, "I like, know her kind of. I've e-mailed her and... hey, I've given her html advice."
If you like criticizing celebrity fashion you should definitely check out the site that got the girls onto the show.
Today I hear on the radio that Julia Roberts is a new mother of twins. I actually met Julia close to ten years ago when I was deployed to Haiti. Congratulations Julia.
So I've had two "brushes with fame" in as many days. It's amazing how significant having had contact with someone you see on tv seems.
If you like criticizing celebrity fashion you should definitely check out the site that got the girls onto the show.
Today I hear on the radio that Julia Roberts is a new mother of twins. I actually met Julia close to ten years ago when I was deployed to Haiti. Congratulations Julia.
So I've had two "brushes with fame" in as many days. It's amazing how significant having had contact with someone you see on tv seems.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
After missing the first two appearances Mitch Hedberg made in RI this year I managed to catch my favorite comedian's show tonight. I am so glad I did because the show was awesome. There were plenty of jokes I had never heard, and plenty that I was saying right along with him. There was one joke where he stopped because he said he couldn't remember the rest of it, so my brother and I finished it off. We're pretty sure he would have said something about that if we were in the front. He's touring with Stephen Lynch who also put on a great show. Bottom line, if they're coming to your town and you don't have anything planned, go see them.
I actually had a choice to make when I found out that Mitch had added Providence to the tour schedule. Tonight was also my 10 year high school reunion. It wasn't a difficult choice since Mitch was cheaper and I enjoy him more than any high school classmates. I'm sure no one missed me.
I actually had a choice to make when I found out that Mitch had added Providence to the tour schedule. Tonight was also my 10 year high school reunion. It wasn't a difficult choice since Mitch was cheaper and I enjoy him more than any high school classmates. I'm sure no one missed me.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Traveling through snow

On the brighter side I went back to the 75th Street Brewery for lunch today and really enjoyed the beer this time. But what I enjoyed the most was the apple cobbler. It was simply amazing.

Monday, November 22, 2004
Are you ready for some football?

I'm not. While I was trying to get to my hotel I got stuck in the traffic heading to the stadium and had to turn around just inside the booths where you pay to park. What a fun little adventure. I saw plenty of New England Patriots jerseys heading for the stadium, so I don't feel that I'm abadoning any duty I might have to represent New England.
Alicia Witt is stunningtly beautiful.
I ate at the 75th Street Brewery for dinner. The greek pizza and happy hour prices were very nice. The beer however didn't excite me and that made me kind of sad. I was gonna keep drinking beers until I had a great one but something about consequences and being responsible echoed around in my brain and I decided to call it quits. Maybe one of these days I'll have to admit that I've grown up.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Kansas City Zoo

I don't think this dingo moved all day long. I went by his place twice a couple hours apart and he was in the exact same spot both times.

This maned wolf was napping the first time I went by as well. When I came back he was nice enough to get up and roam around.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004
St. Louis Zoo

The last animal I saw today was a chicken, but it wasn't at the zoo. In fact it was made out of rubber and was hanging off of a truck.

Monday, November 15, 2004
I know better... part 2

and I almost run right past my gate. I get onboard and settle in. I'm glad I didn't kick myself back in the line, because having to sit now wouldn't be very fun.
I saw a full spectrum sunset through the window of the row in front of me. I managed to get this shot of it, but it doesn't do it justice.
Since I didn't download a book to put on my Palm I read the airline magazine. It would have been nice to have some music, but I couldn't convince myself to go pick up a soldering iron on Friday night to fix my mp3 player. Perhaps I wouldn't have noticed the sunset if I had those other forms of entertainment but it sure would have been nice to have the distraction.
Once I got here to St Louis I realized that I had downloaded directions from the hotel to a brewpub, but I hadn't gotten any directions from the airport to the hotel. "Not to worry," I think. After all I have a map program on the Palm. That's what it's for. Oops, I didn't download the map with St. Louis. I guess I'll have to rely on the directions Avis can give me, except that they give me the wrong card. But they were nice enough to include a map in the Avis folder which got me going in the right direction. As I'm cruising down the road I hit the scan button on the radio, since of course I don't have an mp3 player with me, and find Howlin' Wolf singing about his lil red rooster. At this point I know everything is just fine.
Now I'm sitting in my hotel, using the free high speed wireless internet and digesting the free cookies they gave me. The moral of this story certainly is not to shirk responsibility because everything will turn out ok anyway. The moral is to keep a positive attitude until you know you're screwed. Then you need to keep a positive attitude too. Otherwise you'll be sitting somewhere with a sore butt and that's never fun.
I know better...
Friday night as I was driving home I told myself that I was going to pack on Saturday. I knew that I didn't have anything planned for the day and for once I wanted to not stay up late to make sure my laundry was done or have to pack in a hurry. I wanted to have everything ready so I wouldn't have to worry about a thing.
My flight was at 4:55pm, which means I should be at the airport between 3 and 3:30. Since I hadn't done any laundry on Saturday I threw some in when I got home from church on Sunday. I'm kicking around the house waiting for the laundry to dry when I realize, "Hey it's already 3:10. I haven't packed anything yet."
I stuff all of my gadgets into my computer bag and start tossing clothes into my suitcase. It won't be my proudest moment if security decides they need to open my bag up, but at least everything I need is in there. It's just hitting 4 when I get to the airport to find one of the longest lines for security I've ever seen.
That line was only getting longer as I had to stand in the line to check in and then the line to get my bag screened. I find myself near the end of the big line around 4:20. At this point I really have no idea how things are going to turn out and I think about starting to kick myself. It may have been the possible danger to the people around me that stopped this or it may have been that I just accepted that I'd have plenty of time for self-flagellation if I didn't make the plane. There was just no reason to get all bent out of shape for a "what might come".
I get through security, put my shoes back on and hustle towards the gate. That's when the announcement comes over the PA. "This is the final boarding call..." I start running...
to be continued
My flight was at 4:55pm, which means I should be at the airport between 3 and 3:30. Since I hadn't done any laundry on Saturday I threw some in when I got home from church on Sunday. I'm kicking around the house waiting for the laundry to dry when I realize, "Hey it's already 3:10. I haven't packed anything yet."
I stuff all of my gadgets into my computer bag and start tossing clothes into my suitcase. It won't be my proudest moment if security decides they need to open my bag up, but at least everything I need is in there. It's just hitting 4 when I get to the airport to find one of the longest lines for security I've ever seen.
That line was only getting longer as I had to stand in the line to check in and then the line to get my bag screened. I find myself near the end of the big line around 4:20. At this point I really have no idea how things are going to turn out and I think about starting to kick myself. It may have been the possible danger to the people around me that stopped this or it may have been that I just accepted that I'd have plenty of time for self-flagellation if I didn't make the plane. There was just no reason to get all bent out of shape for a "what might come".
I get through security, put my shoes back on and hustle towards the gate. That's when the announcement comes over the PA. "This is the final boarding call..." I start running...
to be continued
Saturday, November 13, 2004
It's never too cold for the zoo
I started out dreading this trip. I'm being sent there with a promise to our clients in Missouri that I can fix all of their issues with our product. I was the one that installed this product for these clients in the first place, which is a little positive and a little negative. The positive part is that I know exactly what to expect at each place. The negative part is that I know exactly what to expect at each place.
One of these places had one problem after the other when I was installing this originally. In fact this will be the third time I visit this particular client. Another place has a CEO that is fairly demanding. Now that I'm thinking about it the other three places don't worry me much.
Here's the new positive light that's shining on this trip. This last week I had to update two local clients with the same product. One of those clients was an absolutely train wreck the first go around, but was a dream this time (this will actually have it's own post). I was done with the other client in about half a day. This means that for the first two places that I'm going to, where I scheduled two days at each, I very well could end up with some free time.
What could I do with some free time? Well, I was talking to my boss yesterday about the trip and how I'm looking forward to going back to the Kansas City Zoo. She mentions that St. Louis has a really nice zoo. St. Louis happens to be the first place I'm going, is one of the places I've scheduled two days for and is one of the places that I didn't have many problems with the first time I was there. How awesome would it be if I was able to visit two zoo's during one business trip? How cool is my boss that I can tell her that if the client doesn't need me the second day I'm taking it off and going to the zoo?
One thing that I can definitely bank on is that I'll be going to the Kansas City Zoo while I'm there over the weekend and this time I'll have a camera to take pictures of those crazy kangaroos.
Watch a baby rhino being born.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Father, Entertainer, Friend
My parents are leaving for vacation in the morning. My brother just told me via IM that at some point today the power went out at their house and my dad said, "What if the power goes out during the night and we don't get up in time and miss our flight?"
I knew exactly how my brother would reply to this and sure enough he told him, "Don't worry Dad, I'll set the alarm on my cell phone."
Dad comes back with, "You better put it right next to your head."
Anyone that knows my father can appreciate the humor in this little story. Since my friend Brian knows him I copied it and IMed it to him. Whadda ya know, he was on the phone with my dad at the time and actually heard that conversation.
I knew exactly how my brother would reply to this and sure enough he told him, "Don't worry Dad, I'll set the alarm on my cell phone."
Dad comes back with, "You better put it right next to your head."
Anyone that knows my father can appreciate the humor in this little story. Since my friend Brian knows him I copied it and IMed it to him. Whadda ya know, he was on the phone with my dad at the time and actually heard that conversation.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Monday, November 08, 2004
Belgian Beer Fest

The Boston Belgian Beer Fest was fun, but we didn't get to enjoy it to it's full potential. Since my brother had to work until 5 we didn't get to leave until close to 6 which is when the second session started. By the time we drove up to Boston and found a spot to park it was almost 8. Then we find out that they're at capacity and can't let people in even you've already bought tickets. Apparently their only plan at that point was to have us stand in a line and wait as people came out smoked cigarettes and went back in. After about half an hour they started letting people in. I also heard someone come out and tell the guys working the door that they should ask people that came out if they were leaving, and to take their wristbands if they were, so they could let new people in.
Once we were in we grabbed the nearest beer and then made a beeline to see our buddy from Unibroue. We also got to see Matthew from Offshore. Other than that it felt like a mad dash to get around and use up our tickets before we got cut off at 9:40. No beer came home from this event kiddies. I wish I could at least remember some of the beers I liked, but it was mostly a blur. Except for that guy in the restroom taking pictures of the ceiling.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
Life in the Office

Normally my job requires me to travel fairly often. Lately I've been stuck in the office. Fortunately I have some great people in my office and today through a collaborative effort we were able to produce a full size replica of the upper body of a co-worker that was on the road.

For some reason people keep telling me I need to get back on the road.
Beer Fest

It's been about two weeks since the Great International Beer Fest. My brother and I brought home just over 10 cases of beer. I just did a little beer administration and I've got 4 cases set up as mixed 12 packs for easy deployment to the refrigerator. I absolutely love having a constant variety of beers to choose from. Wait, I didn't mention that even though we had over 10 cases of "free beer" (we did volunteer at the beer fest and put a 14 hour day, but we didn't have to shell out any cash) we've each bought beer in the last two weeks. Of course there's a good reason for that. These were beers that we hadn't found commonly and knew the other brother hadn't had a chance to sample. Aren't we considerate?
So we have a lot of beer, we've enjoyed it immensely and we've even picked up a few that we hadn't tried. Guess what we're doing tomorrow night? We're going to the Boston Belgian Beer Fest. With the Blues n Brews Festival at the beginning of October this will be three beer festivals in less than two months.
Future beer activities include putting together a website featuring our beer bottle collection(In the past I've always referred to it as "my" beer bottle collection, but I realized that my brother has contributed as much to it as I have, so it will heretofore be known as "our" beer bottle collection) and possibly getting equipment to brew our own.
I love beer.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
A Change Will do You Good

At my church we have two worship teams that play the Sunday morning music. I'm on one of them. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a great christian example that should be up in front of people every other week leading them in worship. Recently I've considered not doing it anymore because the only reason I was doing it was because I had made a commitment to, not out of any sense of worship. It just happens that our music leader just left and at the going away party for him there was a discussion about the state of the youth group at the church. One of the girls that's in the youth is definitely frustrated and would like to see things changed. I've worked with the youth in the past, and invariably the question came up of whether I was going to start working with them again. Once again I'm not a very good example to follow.
So why don't I just start being what I would consider a good example? Ok, let's look at what I would need to do to have that happen. I'd need to strive to improve my relationship with God. In fact that's all I would need to do. The problem is that I don't want to work on my relationship with God. Relationships with God cause changes in people and I'm being selfish and don't want to change. Or do I? Obviously I think something should change since I don't think I'm the right person to do two different jobs that I'm being asked to do. Perhaps I do want to change.
Trim and a shave
I just shortened up my goatee. I wonder if the cute girl at work will notice. Oh wait, the cute girl at work is two time zones away. Maybe that's a good thing since I managed to cut myself while I was shaving my head too.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I want to see how
I want to see how this looks.
This was a test to see how I could post by e-mail from my phone. It only took two days to show up. Better late than never.
This was a test to see how I could post by e-mail from my phone. It only took two days to show up. Better late than never.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Fire Tree
Monday, November 01, 2004
A Welcome to Myself
I'd like to take a minute to welcome myself to I've kept a blog elsewhere, but I've decided to move on, which brings me here.
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