I had a really rough time getting myself moving this morning. I did finally get myself started on my 40 minute drive to work in the pouring rain. I was cruising along in the fast lane not even half way there when my car starts turning sideways.
I'm hydroplaning and my tires have decide to treat the water that's under them like it's ice. I quickly turned the wheel to keep my front wheels pointing in the same direction as the highway and the car cooperated by starting to straighten out.
My instant of relief was very brief as I realized that the car was now turning past straight to go the opposite direction. I was able to get the wheel turned the other direction and also became aware of a car in a lane that I was now creeping towards.
I don't know how long my fight for control lasted, but I turned the wheel back and forth 5 or 6 times. The fight ended when the car turned past the point of no return and I realized that I was about to be looking at people's oncoming headlights.
Just about the same time I was completely facing the opposite direction I also came into contact with the guard rail and suddenly realized I had this thing called a brake. I came to a complete stop in the high speed lane, facing traffic, with part of my passenger side becoming intimately acquainted with the guard rail.
Of course the next thing I did was jump out of the car to assess the damage. There was one concerned gentleman that pulled his truck over in the breakdown lane to make sure everything was alright. I assured him that I was fine, saw that the tire closest to the guard rail seemed whole and jumped back in to get out of the rain.
At this point I realized it would be a damn good idea to put my emergency flashers on. Of course if someone sees headlights pointing at them in the high speed lane it's a pretty safe bet they're going to realize there is something drastically wrong.
I waited for a break in the cars going by, pulled a Uie, waved at my concerned friend to say thanks and proceeded to work.
If my concerned friend does read this let me tell you that I am extremely grateful to you for stopping and checking on me. If I knew who you were I would buy you a beer.
oh man that rots j.. tho glad to hear you're ok and nothing's quite so major
Scary! I'm really happy you're not hurt. Thank God.
I can't believe how unbelievably lucky I am that I not only lived through the experience but that I had no injuries and my car is fully driveable. thank you both for your concern.
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