Today on my way to work I threw in a Sepultura CD. Apparently I cranked it way up on the drive in and turned the car off during a very heavy part of the song because the sonic assault that hit me when I turned the car on actually made me jump. If anyone had been standing next to my car watching me they surely would have been laughing their ass off.
Hahaha, I just hate when that happens!
Damn! I wished I was there. I would've pissed in my pants!
Does that happen to you alot too Pep? 8-รพ
Cedia, I guess that's one way to get a girl wet huh?
LOFL. Yup. That's one way, however, not the preferred way. :)
Haha, hey I guess I should leave you two to some quality time together. ;)
But before I go..
Yep, I do it all the frikkin time. Unfortunately what happens even more is that I listen to a radio Football Phone-In to hear stupid people get all upset over their shit team. Fair enough. But then later at night I give folk a lift home and the station changes to an easy-listening thang. So people think I'm into Dolly Parton & Jim Reeves. Aaarrgghhh!!!
Workin' nine to five, what a way to make a livin'!
I got into someone else's car yesterday with a couple of other people. She had country on and said, "Yes, I listen to country." All I could think of was, "You should just tell everyone that this station has talk radio in the mornings. I don't really listen to it."
For about a year at this job I thought I was supposed to work nine to five when I was in the office. Then I was told that it's actually eight to five. After that I started trying to be in before ten. I still prefer being on the road over office life.
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