Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sonic Assault

Today on my way to work I threw in a Sepultura CD. Apparently I cranked it way up on the drive in and turned the car off during a very heavy part of the song because the sonic assault that hit me when I turned the car on actually made me jump. If anyone had been standing next to my car watching me they surely would have been laughing their ass off.


Pep said...

Hahaha, I just hate when that happens!


cedia said...

Damn! I wished I was there. I would've pissed in my pants!

Jay said...

Does that happen to you alot too Pep? 8-รพ

Cedia, I guess that's one way to get a girl wet huh?

cedia said...

LOFL. Yup. That's one way, however, not the preferred way. :)

Pep said...

Haha, hey I guess I should leave you two to some quality time together. ;)
But before I go..

Yep, I do it all the frikkin time. Unfortunately what happens even more is that I listen to a radio Football Phone-In to hear stupid people get all upset over their shit team. Fair enough. But then later at night I give folk a lift home and the station changes to an easy-listening thang. So people think I'm into Dolly Parton & Jim Reeves. Aaarrgghhh!!!


Kicking Bitch said...

Workin' nine to five, what a way to make a livin'!

Jay said...

I got into someone else's car yesterday with a couple of other people. She had country on and said, "Yes, I listen to country." All I could think of was, "You should just tell everyone that this station has talk radio in the mornings. I don't really listen to it."

For about a year at this job I thought I was supposed to work nine to five when I was in the office. Then I was told that it's actually eight to five. After that I started trying to be in before ten. I still prefer being on the road over office life.