Monday, December 06, 2004

Hunka Hunka Burning...

As I was tooling along towards NYC on Saturday I saw a plume of black smoke coming from over a hill up ahead.
smoke plume

When I got close enough to actually see fire I thought it was the grass on the side of the road burning because some jackass had done something stupid.
a bit of fire

But when I got closer I realized it was some sort of heap that was burning not just the grass. But why wouldn't the fireman just put out the burning hay bales?
not a grass fire

I finally realize that I'm seeing a vehicle burning. As you can see the entire thing was engulfed in flames. I was able to determine that it was a Ford pickup truck because the tailgate was still visible. I guess this doesn't do much to disprove the Found On Road Dead acronym.
hunka hunka burning ford

I certainly hope no one was in the truck. I wasn't able to find any news articles about it. Seeing this makes me feel even more fortunate that my "proof that two forms of matter can't occupy the same the same space at the same time" as Joey put it, wasn't more serious.

This was just on the way to NYC. There's more to come. No more fire, but certainly some heat to talk about.


joey said...

Wow - I'm glad you were just an observer. In the bottom picture, when I first saw it, it seemed as if there was a dark angel in the coloration of the smoke. It's lighter against the dark smoke ( I never should have done those drugs in college obviously ).

Kicking Bitch said...

Who-ee! You're like me, drag that digital camera everywhere! But we all should, so we can take pictures in case we're ever in an accident.
I hope nobody was hurt.
Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog, Jay!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?