Wednesday, December 29, 2004


I just lost a damn fine post. Blah. Hehe, wouldn't it be great if there was a rival blog site called

Oh, I lied my post did show up. I still think it would be funny if there was a


cedia said...

blahger would be perfect for me since I'm so 'blah'.

Kicking Bitch said...

Let's make it. Our server's would never go down, and anybody with boring blog's would be kicked out.

Jay said...

Rene, I'd let the boring blogs stay. We'll just make them pay and let it be free for everyone else. We'll call them "Blah, blah, blah" accounts. We'd certainly never let our servers go down. We could also set it up that if the post can't be uploaded it automatically saves it on your computer so you can post it later instead of losing it.

Cedia, we could have a built in "blah rating" kind of like the unkymoods thing.

cedia said...

Jay, that is a great idea! Damn is that good! I think I'm gonna tweak at it a little. I'm gonna go back to programming to keep up my skills.

::making notes of idea so it doesn't get lost::

Kicking Bitch said...

No, no. The blah rating should be so people could rate your blog, and if you get so high of a blah rating, you are deemed boring, and then you have to start paying for your account.