Apparently I'm too boisterous at work for one of the manager's taste. I was warned by a co-worker that he had made comments about me when he had a meeting for his department. Of course he's not my manager so it's not as if I'm in trouble. I guess this is what happens when you pack people from four different departments into one area of the office. Departmental personalities don't always quite jive. I guess I'll think about avoiding "laughing all the time." Nah
Try having all women in an office. It's house of flying daggers!
Oh, shit yeah. I worked in a place that had like 4 guys, and two of them were gay. The other 2, one was the IT guy, and the other did the heavy lifting in the warehouse. Other than that, it was like 15 women, and man I tell ya! We all got our periods at the same time and it was dangerous up in there!
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