Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Laugh Police

stupid meeting

So the manager I'm now calling the Laugh Police came by my desk today. The conversation went something like this:

Laugh Police: Mr. Jones*, are you busy?
Jay: Let's see, right now...
Laugh Police: You're not doing anything. I left a message with Cool Boss about this client but I haven't heard back from her. Would you be able to set up their upgrade?

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm usually not rude to people by cutting them off when I'm asking them to do something for me. It wouldn't have been wrong of me to inform him that he'd have to wait to hear back from Cool Boss, but the client would have paid for my petty revenge and that wouldn't be right.

Why did he have to be rude? I've come up with two possible reasons:

1. He's got a bit of a god complex and feels that his higher purpose outweighs the rules of order and decorum.

2. It chaps his ass that he has to go through me one way or another to have these things to get done.

I'm going to console myself by believing in option number 2.

*Jones is a good, generic last name, right?


cedia said...

I've got a freebie guest post on my blog that says it's #2 too!

btw, Jones is good. Probably is the real name too, huh?

Jay said...

You know what I really like about option 2? Any time someone that works for him asks me about what needs to happen to get something done I have to direct them to go through the proper channels. That breaks down to Laugh Police having to ask my boss or me to do it. I'll try not to take too much pleasure in that thought.

Pep said...

That's one of the good things about the 'chain of command'. My MD Big Cheese can't (usually) ask something of me without first asking the CEO (my DIRECT bossman).
But then again, he can adopt the Albatross Management Technique of swooping and shitting simultaneously.


deanne said...

Personally, I like the last name of "Smith" but Jones is pretty good.

I reckon Option No. 2; but then some people are just officious little turds and think having no manners makes them sound "business-like". I hate that crap - please and thank you never go amiss!

Jay said...

Pep, I love the Albatross Management Technique. LOL

Dee, you're right. Please and thank you never go amiss. That's what my mommy taught me. Do you suppose his mo... never mind. It would be rude to discuss that.