Friday, March 04, 2005

The Siege Continues...

cough weapons

Day 29: The coughing siege continues. I have tried every combination of spell and incantation that I can find to ward off this menace. A good wizard knows how to make do with what he has available and so I have settled on the weapons illustrated above. I have also been employing the magic of soup and hot tea. This is a very powerful combination and unfortunately cannot be used continuously. I can only hope that this siege does not last much longer.


babydufus said...

nice use of the new camera bud.. don't mind me its the pills talking....

tomorrowgirl said...

The best cure for the common cold (maybe the rares too) is good old lovin'.

I wonder why Tylenol haven't jumped on this bandwagon yet. New job, here I come!

Jay said...

Thanks B. That works out pretty well that I can just call you B here too. Why didn't I think of that before.

Norain, I think Tylenol figures Trojan's already got condoms covered and Pfizer keeps it rocking with Viagra so they're just gonna keep making money with their morning after remedy. Morning after drinking that is.

tomorrowgirl said...

If you need Tylenol in the morning, then your lovin' is just wack!

Jay said...

But what if your lovin' IS just wack?

tomorrowgirl said...

The intarrveb spies, they are listening.

*whispers* Call me.

cedia said...

You've had this shit for a while now, huh? Have you gone to see a doctor? Perhaps they could prescribe some hardcore meds that'll cost alot ... but it will help.

Jay said...

But Cedia it's getting better. It really is. I don't need to see no stinkin' doctor.