Saturday, February 05, 2005

To Buy or Not To Buy...


Anyone that's been reading my blog knows that I love taking pictures. What happens when you start getting into something like that? You want better equipment of course. Currently I have a Canon A70. It's a great camera and I've done alot with it but I've been drooling over the Canon Digital Rebel for a few weeks now. It looks like I have the money to buy one now, but before I do I figured I'd better think about it more closely.

Will it make me a better photographer? No, the camera itself won't make me a better photographer.

Will I be able to take better pictures with it? Yes, absolutely.

Will I be able to improve my photography skills with it? Yes.

Why can't I just use the camera I already have to improve my photography skills?

Well, I'm glad I asked this. Here's the crux of it: It's all about being able to see what's actually gonna be captured. I don't know how many times I've taken a picture and everything looked just fine and dandy on the camera's screen, only to find out that it's horribly out of focus when I pulled it up on the computer.

Can I really afford it or am I just telling myself that I can? I could use the money to pay down credit cards. This is however money in the bank account and will not further indebt me.

Ok, I'm done talking to myself now. I'll open the question up to you readers now. Should I buy it?


Pep said...

So you reduce your debt.
Still don't have that camera though.
You'll still want that camera, so you'll put it on the card afterall.
No brainer for me, enjoy your Digital Rebel!


babydufus said...

hmmm a toughie...

1. so i guess you didn't win the auction the other nite.
2. sounds like you've already got your mind made up.
3. depends on how high the card(s) is/are...
4. what's coming back from taxes?
5. can you sell/trade the "old" camera?

this coming from me.. like i really need another guitar.. oh i do i do...

Jay said...

I like your logic there Pep.


1. That auction got too high before I bid on it.
2. Pretty close, but if someone has a compelling reason...
3. They're manageable.
4. Don't know yet. Just one more reason to buy.
5. The old camera would still be used for travelling and whatnot.

You know you need all of those guitars. Fortunately you seem to actually have more pairs of shoes than guitars nowadays.

babydufus said...

not if i count all my "chucks" as one pair.. heh.

Queen on the run said...

ah Jay just buy the camera if you are thinking about it that long and you still want it, got the money to do it, why not???????
Give yourself a treat and enjoy your hobby even more.
I am telling you I think you could sell some of the photos you have taken already.:)