If you look at the picture of the happy couple above you'll notice there is a ring on the beautiful lady's finger. Yup, that's an engagement ring. I'm getting married. Planning is already in full swing and we're looking at fall of 2006 for the wedding.
Friday I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I got to it just in time to see that it was my boss trying to call me before it went to voice mail. It's never good to be woken up by a phone call from your boss, but fortunately she wasn't calling to find out why I wasn't at work since I had arranged to work from home due to the fact that my car needed to go in to have the transmission replaced. She was calling to let me know that instead of going to Pennsylvania tomorrow I'm going to be flying to Iowa instead.
One of our clients there has been having sporadic issues for the last couple of weeks since we did an upgrade to their system. No one has been able to nail down what's causing the problems so the plan is for me to go on site and figure it out. (I don't call myself a problem solver extraordinaire for no reason.)
It's certainly head-swelling to be the person they send in when all else has failed, but what happens if I fail too? My biggest issue is that I'm going to be dealing with things that are outside of my area of expertise and in fact outside of my job description. I love a challenge and I'm not afraid of learning new things but this is a job that belongs squarely to another department and I'm quite unfamiliar with.
I'm sure everything will work out fine and I might even get to look like the hero. Heroes have pretty good job security don't they? Alright, that will be my plan then. Go there and get everything working so I can be the hero and I'll put my cape on and fly straight home, without having to go through the airport rigamarole, into the waiting arms of my lovely bride-to-be. I've never seen Superman carry a suitcase though. Does he hide it under his cape?